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A look at the key imaging features of the new Spark Series 45-megapixel camera. Are you a vision system designer thinking about using a high resolution camera (>40 megapixels) in your next project

JAI -Free webinar: Megapixels Spark Series 45-megapixel camera
This free webinar will reveal 6 key features found in the new SparkSP-45000-CXP4 45-megapixel camera that can help you to create a better high resolution machine vision system.

In just 30 minutes you will learn about a range of features you can leverage including:

Two high dynamic range methods for use in outdoor imaging, semiconductor inspection, and other shiny or high-contrast applications.
Built-in lens control capabilities.
Multi-ROI visualization overlays, sequencer, and more.
Plus, options for efficient parallel processing of your high resolution image data.

Link to the webinar – (register and click on the link you receive by email)
Link to JAI

See a selection of our Cameras  – You might want eyes for your Robot, want to do quality check on timber, check your tickets coming out of the printer. Recab have a wide selection of Cameras from VGA to 50 megapixels, line cameras, high speed cameras.
We have products, solutions & support for your daily business, find a selection of our offer below or read more about our Engineering capabilities 


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