Embedded Computers & Boards

At Embedded Computers and Boards we have a Selection of Mother boards suitable for embedding and also Computer on Modules of all categories

Many of these boards are System On a Module, SOM and need a carrier board to become useful. All the boards need some kind of housing or chassis to make a system. Recab can assist and advice on building Your system.

Embedded Computers & Boards is one of Recab’s core business units. For more than two decades, it has been at the heart of our service, providing customers with the best individual products and complete solutions across a range of applications – Whatever a customer project requires, our team can select the best products from all over the world.

🔶 COMe
🔶 Ruggedized Systems
🔶 Qseven
🔶 Motherboards

– Read the story about Ada Lovelace – The person who created the world’s first machine algorithm and the Ada programming, The language was named in memory of her by US Department of Defense

We have products, solutions & support for your daily business, find a selection of our offer below or read more about our Engineering capabilities and our successful applications

COMe: COM Express

COMe: COM Express® defines standardized form factors and pin-outs for Computer-on-Modules. The standard includes the mini form factor (84 x 55mm), the compact form factor (95 x 95mm) and the basic form factor (125 x 95mm).

Ruggedized Systems

Recab have over the years built many systems within Ruggedized Systems where the demands have been harder than on usual computers.

SMARC System on a Module

SMARC™ Low-power embedded architecture platform for Computer-on-Modules based on ARM and X86 technology

Qseven – the Mobile COM Definition

The Qseven specification is hosted by the Standardization Group for Embedded Technologies – SGET


Recab offers a broad range of high quality longevity motherboards from Mini-boards to full size ATX, covering Embedded and Server market.

COM-HPC The New Embedded formfactor

New specification for Com Modules. More performance and new standards like PCIe Gen4 with up to 65x PCIe on COM-HPC Server.